Wednesday, April 02, 2008

T-10 Days and Counting...

What does the "T" stand for?

Teeth that are chipped. Apparently items made of canvas are more difficult to embroider than items made of denim or even, say, cloth.

Consequently, one of my top front teeth and one of my bottom front teeth are chipped a bit. Note to self: Do Not Use Teeth to Pull Big Needle.

In addition to all the OTHER things I have to do in the days leading up to the wedding, I need to get my teeth ground. Grinded? Smoothed? Whatever.

To my knowledge, the bridesmaids dresses have not arrived at the bridal boutique. This makes me a bit nervous, and it has also made a few of my "maids" nervous as well.

Today we received an automated phone call from ACME telling us that "some" of our canvas items were not going to be delivered and we should go to the store where we had ordered them and get a refund. Once at the ACME store we discovered that the outlook is not quite so bleak as I thought and we are only going to be missing two or three items instead of TWELVE. As it is I need to embroider at least one item every day between now and the wedding in order to get them done.

What the heck was I thinking?


Anonymous said...

Don't chip a nip.

Anonymous said...

I new that embroidery project was going to bring you grief.

Angela said...

Oh, my, honey. Let me send you my credit card number and you can just buy them some earrings or something. ;) {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}