Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Chaos and Turmoil

I've decided I need to get back to blogging, if for no other reason than we are moving back across the country in a little under three weeks. Some may remember the initial trip, heading east. Now we're headed back, but with more animals.

The house is in total disarray, I have taken on several sewing clients/projects that need to be done before I depart, and of course there is all the cleaning, packing, organizing, etc.  All this made more difficult by stress.

The key stress factors both entail loss; almost 2 months ago my best girlfriend here in Georgia (she had also been renting our guest room since October) was killed in a car accident. She was the passenger and the driver's blood-alcohol level was .165.  The other loss is that our pet skunk Stinkerbell has been missing for almost two full days. She has gotten out of the house once before, but came back in just a few hours.

I am packing, cleaning, sorting, looking for a skunk, grieving my friend, and being excited about our next evolution.

From time to time I am featured as an interviewee or guest blogger over at Human In Recovery, under the Monthly Manic Mondays with Marisa theme.

More to come!

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