Sunday, August 13, 2006

All Gone

I just woke up from a three-hour nap. The last 10 days have been fun and friend filled with guests from all over here for the Bob's World Message Board BBQ.

Dani, here in the states from New Zealand, picked up Jordan in Fresno and they made they're way to my house via Highway 1/101. They arrived on the Tuesday before last. Rikki, from Abbotsford BC, Canada arrived the next Tuesday, and Aaron and Kelsie arrived from St. Paul Alberta, Canada (by way of San Fransisco road trip) on Friday.

Friday's event was an enchilada dinner at my house, attended by the houseguests along with John, Tony, Roxy and Jessica. We enjoyed the enchiladas by the light of video clips of the Flight of the Conchords and Russell Peters. After I went to bed, Terry stopped by to greet everyone.

Saturday after church was the BBQ... John was back, with his son Jesse. Tony returned as the grill master and Roxy re-joined us along with buckets of potato salad. Terry and his sons Alex and Andrew joined us and took the initiative to set up the Ultimate Croquet set. David came all the way from Lake Oswego, Jim arrived from Bremerton, Bob and Chels (with Blake, Megan, Michelle and TJ in tow) from Portland and Milwaukie, Bobby McGhee finally flew into Portland at about 11pm.

We were treated to breakfast at Elmer's this morning by the guest of honor and then everyone continued on their way... Rikki drove back to Abbotsford, Jim went back to Bremerton, Dani and Jordan and headed south back to Fresno, Aaron and Kelsie left for Pasco on their way back to Alberta.

Now I have no excuse to start sorting and packing for my move to Florida. I have started four piles.

1. Take with me in the car to Key West
2. Ship to Key West
3. Pack up and store
4. Get rid of (sell or give away)

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