House Full of Animals, Head Full of Ideas, Not Enough Time
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Eighteen Days...
Today is Minx' 7th Birthday.
I bought her (and the other cats) two toys and a "kitty garden". Jenny brought her a piece of filet mignon for dinner. Chou, Maui and Buster were ALL OVER the filet mignon, but Minx was not so interested.
She also didn't give the time of day to either of the toys. Maui, however, is totally fascinated with the "fishing" pole, and quite enamored of the tick-tock.
Birthday parties for your pets? That made me laugh a little. But I want that little fishing pole.
Birthday parties for your pets? That made me laugh a little. But I want that little fishing pole.
YAY!! Happy birthday to Minx!
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